Stainforth 4 ALL has given away another micro-grant! £200 has been granted to South Yorkshire Women's Aid (SYWA)! The funds will be used to go towards an outreach here in Stainforth.
Women's Aid runs courses covering the whole of Doncaster to help women to recognise and deal with abuse. SYWA is the ONLY Women's Aid in the whole of South Yorkshire. They frequently run support groups, provide liaison services, and provide continued support. The organisation also supports other domestic violence services and run counselling sessions. They offer a safe environment to talk, support and help women overcome this problem.
The funds are also going towards the ONLY women's Aid in South Yorkshire not be shut down due to the council-cutting it's funding. It says its work is "life-saving and life-changing". Since late March to August SYWA received over 100 referrals for its programmes.
On average two women are killed by their partner or ex-partner every week in England and Wales
Domestic abuse-related crime is 10% of total crime, an increase of 2% since the previous year. On average the police receive over 100 calls relating to domestic abuse every hour. The Doncaster borough has some of the highest repeat rates of domestic violence and a higher proportion of high-risk cases - meaning a danger of murder.
Stainforth 4 ALL is proud to support South Yorkshire Women's Aid to help local women. If you or know anyone suffering from domestic abuse, please don't stay quiet, it could save yours or someone else's life. To contact SYWA ring 01302 326411 or email
